2025 Tomorrowland Pearl Converter
Last Update | March 15th, 2024 | 00:38 CET
Looking for the Tomorrowland Winter Pearl Converter? Click the button below!
This calculator converts pearls, the currency used at Tomorrowland, into Euros or other currencies and vice versa. 1 Pearl was worth 1.82€ at the 2024 edition of Tomorrowland (roughly a 4.6% increase to 2023). If a different currency is needed besides €, select a second currency from the dropdown menu. Currency exchange rates are updated once daily, but might not be exact. The new conversion rate will be updated as soon as it is available (usually at the end of June)
Tomorrowland Pearl Converter
Additional Information
For informational purposes only. Pearls are used as a payment option at the festival for food, drinks, merchandise etc. Before the festival, you have the ability to "top up" your bracelet with pearls using your Credit Card. If the bracelet is topped up before the ferstival, 2 pearls are added as a bonus for each 100 Euros added. All unused pearls are refunded besides a "service fee" of 2 pearls. Pearls can be redeemed by using your bracelet. Tomorrowland also provides the ability to top up your bracelet at the festival with either cash or card. Tomorrowland is mostly a cashless festival and pearls are therefore needed for food and drinks. For accurate information, and details on how to use pearls, visit the official Tomorrowland website.